My own experience with acupuncture as a patient was so profound that I found myself wanting to learn more about this medicine. So I enrolled at the Traditional Acupuncture Institute (TAI) now called TAISophia Institute and I received a Master of Acupuncture degree in 1997. I have also taken classes in Zero Balancing, Reiki, and Healing Touch for Animals.
My people practice is located in Laurel Maryland and my animal practice in located in Howard County between Columbia and Laurel. In 1997, I joined the faculty at TAISophia. Currently, I am an Associate Professor where I teach theory classes and pulse development classes in addition to being the Director of the Maryland State Animal Acupuncture Certification Course.
I graduated with a B.S. and M.S. degree in Allied Medicine from Ohio State
University.. I worked for many years in clinical trials in Ophthalmology
with a focus in Macular Degeneration at both the Wilmer Eye Institute
at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and at the Scheie Eye Institute at
University of Pennsylvania.
I have lived in Howard County Maryland for over 20 years. I am involved
in a therapy dog work with Fidos for Freedom and in the past have been
the Vice-President of the Board of Directors. I enjoy working with my
dog Cassie at a local elementary school in a reading program and am involved
with local business and civic organizations.